Bazar Road is situated in the South West District of Delhi with a pincode of 110010. It lies at the coordinates of 28.6082N 77.13813E. The nearest railway station to Bazar Road is Brar Square while the nearest airport is the Indira Gandhi International Airport.
For banking facilities there are a few options located close by. There is the Bank of Baroda Air Force Veterans Facilitation Centre the Bank of India Delhi Cantt and the Canara Bank Delhi Cantonment. All of these banks provide a variety of services and can be easily accessed from Bazar Road.
When it comes to educational institutions there are schools close to Bazar Road that offer various courses. These include Rajputana Rifles HM Coed SS School Air FCE Gyan Jyoti School and Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 1. All of these educational centres provide excellent learning opportunities and have highly qualified teachers.
Overall Bazar Road is a great location to live in with a number of amenities close by. It has convenient access to banking and educational facilities as well as the nearby railway station and airport. This makes it an ideal place to live work and study.
Shani Bazar Road Block Y Prem Nagar III Prem Nagar is a bustling locality in West Delhi City. It is situated in the Delhi State of India and has a pin code of 110081 with the postal head office being Kanjhawla. The area is surrounded by other localities such as Gori Enclave Block W Narayan Vihar and other residential areas.
The local area is teeming with life with a number of shops and restaurants providing the perfect opportunity for shopping and dining. The area is also home to a number of schools and hospitals making it a great place for families to settle down. Additionally there are plenty of recreational activities to be found in the area such as parks and playgrounds making it a great place to spend an afternoon.
The nearby cities of Bahadurgarh Loni Delhi and Gurgaon are all within easy reach of Shani Bazar Road Block Y Prem Nagar III Prem Nagar. These cities provide a wealth of cultural and entertainment experiences making them great places to explore.
Shani Bazar Road Block Y Prem Nagar III Prem Nagar is a vibrant bustling neighbourhood full of life and energy. It is a great place to live work and play offering a wonderful quality of life.
For those who live near Shani Bazar Road in Block Y of Prem Nagar III there are several government health centers located nearby. One such center is the SPUHC Prem Nagar 3 which is located in Agar Nagar. This center offers a wide range of services including preventive health care diagnosis and treatment and health education. Additionally they provide immunization maternal and child health services and even counseling services.
The SPUHC Prem Nagar II is another government health center located in the area. This center is located in U-1686 Prem Nagar-II and offers a variety of services including family planning antenatal care and postnatal care. Additionally they provide health check-ups for adults and children as well as laboratory tests and X-ray services.
The SPUHC Laxmi Vihar is the third health center located near Shani Bazar Road. This center is located in C-1/1 Khasra No. 21/8 Prem Nagar-III Suleman Nagar Kirari. At this health center patients can receive a variety of services including immunization diagnosis and treatment of illnesses health education and counseling services. Additionally they provide a variety of laboratory tests as well as X-ray services.
Overall those living near Shani Bazar Road in Block Y of Prem Nagar III have access to a variety of health services provided by the government health centers in the area. These centers provide a wide range of services including preventive health care diagnosis and treatment health education immunization family planning antenatal and postnatal care health check-ups for adults and children laboratory tests and X-ray services.